Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 3


Somebody invented butt sex

Church father threw the stone
If one played with their willy
Or if one fucked premariatal
To hell, you must go
If the cum doesn't fly into your wife
Your dick belongs to church's stock
Hope you remember masturbation makes you go blind
And grows hair to your palms
So pray and smack your balls to table corner
If you're about to have wet dreams
Somebody invented butt sex
Brilliant I say
God doesn't look into number two
Maidenhead there preserves
Your virginity's border fades
In vain priest touches you
Only maybe sheets to the ass they'll mount
Or priest will tell you how to take a shit
So in those times I can understand the refraining
But now days I no longer don't
Freely you can now fuck
Why won't you still give the pussy?
Come out from the middle ages
You won't be thrown to the river as a witch
Even if you take it now right away to the mouth
What the fuck is the problem?
Well old values are still in effect
You notice it every time when I don't get
And I wonder why one skimps their pussy
And the other one has to jerk off


Pendolino in Finland, and we aren't on schedule¹
The driver announces accustomedly:
'The problem is in the motor and the wheel is broken
And some weird snow came from the sky, too²
Well someone must've forgotten one small thing,
The shittiest trains are made in Italy!
Well, they do work now and again, except in the winter...
Who the fuck came up with ordering these?
Leaning a bit in the curve, many are feeling sick,
Two blue-suited men step in the car:
Moustache-Pete and Dandruff-Pat,
conductors both,
Both waving a big stamper
'We're checking your tickets'
Says Moustache-Pete,
Dandruff-Pat is excited, the hands get sweaty
If you didn't have the time to buy the ticket from the station,
The surcharge is six euros
In the restaurant car everything is expensive as hell,
Half a liter of water is two euros
Still there's alot of drunks who fall on top of you in the curves
And everything except beer is warmed up in the microwave
The toilets are far apart, half of which are out of order,
'Works like the train toilet' is a shitty saying³
Smells like shit and you don't want to leave stripes
And surprisingly uncomfortable to fap in.
On the PC-plug seat is a stressed atmosphere,
The businessmen are contemplating investments
With the power of caffeine, they give their all
So that the world would be a worse place tomorrow
The richest ones of all sit in the business class,
humorlessly browsing finance news
If nokia rose over 4 percents
They can afford a second cup of coffee
With the student card, la get the ticket for half the price,
But it's still cheaper to gp by car
I listened to the minister of transport, he says 'use public transportation'
Well, before you advise others, take your head out of your ass!
Finally there, over half an hour late,
The friend that came to pick me up is a bit annoyed
But everything starys working out and the day is saved,
When the bastard stepping out of the businedd class trips and falls